Runners & Turkey Shoot Targets

Runners, targets and shells

At a large or small shoot you will need at least one turkey shoot target runner. Two runners make the shoot go faster and smoother. The runners pick-up the shot turkey shoot targets for the round, being careful to not tear off any hang on's or fold backs and takes them to the Judge. While the new targetsare being hung the judging is going on. The runner comes back to the rail line to pass out the shells and inserts them into the chamber or watches the shooter insert the shell into the chamber and lock it down. Shoot rules apply here.

Target running putting half finished putting new targets on a row of target holders
Target runner using our turkey shoot targets
Profile of target running putting new targets on a long row of targets
Target runner using our targets for the next round

Pay the runners

To save money some shoots will pay the runners for their days work by giving them a shot on each round, so they are paid the entry fee amount. The runners also keep the rail clean of spent shells and targets. If the shooters want their turkey shoot targets they better get them before they hit the trash can. Some shooters save the shells to reload but you can't let a shooter bring in a reloaded HOT SHELL and yes they will do it.